
Severed is a podcast suite that offers a rotation of content centered around true crime to paranormal cases.

Severed: True Crime covers high- to low-profile true crime cases like The Westfield Watcher, The Staircase, The Keepers, and other binge-worthy favorites on Netflix. Severed: Paranormal peers into the quarter-moon windows of The Amityville Horror House, The Conjuring House, and other mysterious cases, locations, and urban legends.

Our episodes feature a 7-minute story that concisely frames the details of a case in narrative format, we then sever 3 aspects of a case in detail and offer our analysis. And we talk about pop culture related to the case. Our mini-episode series, The Split, offers behind-the-scenes-style content, where we debrief about (or visit the locations associated with) the major episode.

Our media network: Rogue Media Network